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Thursday, 20 May 2021

Commendation letter issued by Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti

Thank you So much Everyone for Join our Live Webinar and counsel the students regarding their future.
Thank you everyone.
Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti 



Sunday, 16 May 2021

Certificate of E-Participate distribute by Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti


students for Participate in Carrier Counseling Live webinar. and make the successful webinar by join it.
Thank you so much students.
Heartfelt gratitude to all of yous who took time out for us from their busy time and joined the webinar and answered the queries of the students.


Monday, 10 May 2021

कैरियर काउंसलिंग को लेकर हुआ लाइव वेबिनार का आयोजन


कैरियर काउंसलिंग को लेकर हुआ लाइव वेबिनार का आयोजन

आगरा:- श्री कृष्णा जन कल्याण समिति के द्वारा बच्चो के उज्जव भविष्य को लेकर लाइव वेबिनार का आयोजन किया गया।

श्री कृष्णा जन कल्याण समिति के अध्यक्ष अरुण शर्मा बताते है कि लॉकडाउन और स्कूल बंद होने को लेकर बच्चों के माता-पिता बहुत चिंतित थे। और उनके मन मे तमाम तरह के सवाल भी उठ रहे थे। उन्ही प्रश्नों का जवाव देने के लिए श्री कृष्णा जन कल्याण समिति के नेर्तत्व में लाइव वेबिनार का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें मुख्य वक्ता डॉ कुमार पुष्कर (प्रोफेसर गलगोटिया यूनिवर्सिटी), आर बी अधिकारी (एजुकेशनल काउंसलर, नेपाल), समाज सेविका सौम्या सिन्हा (लखनऊ), तमर लोलिशविली (एजुकेशनल एडवाइज़र, जेवर्जिया), वीके मित्तल (डायरेक्टर मिगफ़्रे ग्रुप), नूपुर सिंगल (कोऑर्डिनेटर- डॉलीज पब्लिक इंटर कॉलेज), एस के मिश्रा (अध्यापक-रसायन विज्ञान, कानपुर) आदि उपस्थित रहे। लाइव वेबिनार का नेर्तत्व श्री कृष्णा जन कल्याण समिति के अध्यक्ष अरुण शर्मा द्वारा किया गया।

लाइव वेबिनार के दौरान आगरा, कानपुर, झांसी, लखनऊ, के बच्चों ने बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया। व अपने मन मे उठ रहे सवालो के जवाब भी प्राप्त किये।

कार्यक्रम का समापन सभी छात्र- छात्राओं को ई-प्रमाण पत्र देकर किया गया।

Live webinar was organized by Shree Krishna Jan kalyan Samiti regarding the bright future of children.


Live webinar organized for career counseling


Agra: - Live webinar was organized by Shree Krishna Jan kalyan Samiti regarding the bright future of children.

Arun Sharma, chairman of the Shree Krishna Jan kalyan Samiti, says that the parents of the children were very concerned about the lockdown and school closure. And all kinds of questions were also arising in his mind. To answer those questions, a live webinar was organized under the leadership of Shree Krishna Jan kalyan Samiti. The keynote speakers include Dr. Kumar Pushkar (Professor Galgotia University), RB Adhikari (Educational Counselor, Nepal), Social Worker Soumya Sinha (Lucknow), Tamar Lolishvili (Educational Advisor, Jevarjia), VK Mittal (Director MIGFRE Group), Nupur Singal ( Coordinator – Dolly’s Public Inter College), SK Mishra (Teacher - Chemistry, Kanpur) etc. were present. The live webinar was led by Shree Krishna Jan kalyan Samiti’ Chairman Mr. Arun Sharma. Children from Agra, Kanpur, Jhansi, Lucknow participated in a live webinar during the live webinar. And also received answers to the questions arising in his mind.

The program was concluded by giving e-certificate to all students.




Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Career Counselling By Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti

 Dear friends, as you all know, there is a lot of worry about their future for the students. But not only the students but also their parents are very worried. Because of which he starts making his children pressurized to study. You must have seen that when high school and intermediate results are released. So many students who fail in it - students take wrong steps like self-murder.

Your concern about students career is bound to arise. Selecting which field you can do better. Many students make the wrong choice, which results in them having to suffer later. To solve your similar problems, we are organizing an online webinar. Who will guide you by showing you the right path.
We hope that you will make this webinar more successful by connecting more and more.

Coverage by editor of Print media

 Thanks to Editor of Print And Electronic Media for always support us with your wonderful coverage. #CMYogi #BJP4UP #PMModiji #BJP4IND #PMNa...