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Thursday, 1 April 2021

1st April webinar attend by Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti Team

 Shree Krishna Jan Kalyan Samiti 

#1st_of_April is a #historic_day for the #education_movement_of_India. The #Right_to_Free_and_Compulsory_Education_Act_2009 came into effect on this day, which ensured free and compulsory education to all children between the age of 6-14 years. Despite given timelines the implementation of the RTE Act has remained quite unsatisfactory. UDISE data of 2016-17 show that only 12.7% schools are complying with the provisions of the Act. 


The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent school closures for almost a year may result in increased drop out, child labour, trafficking etc. affecting school education.


In such a scenario, it becomes pertinent to strengthen the rights of the children protected by RTE Act and hold the state accountable for its responsibilities. It is also equally important to enhance awareness and galvanise people through a #National_Mass_Campaign_Reclaiming_Right_to_Education.


In this context, RTE Forum is organizing the webinar which attand by many NGOs Director, Head of Education Departments, Social Activist, Writer from all over India.  Special Speaker  is Prof.Muchkund Dubey {Former Foreign Secretary, Govt.of India and President of Council for social Development (CSD)}, Prof. Anita Rampal, (Former Dean, Faculty of Education, Delhi University), Prof.R.Govinda, (Former VC NUEPA and Distinguised Professor, Council for Social Development), Miss. Farah Naqvi,(Writer and Activist), Moderator Annie Namala , {Convener, WAda Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA)}. I also share my thoughts in front of all RTE Forum Team. Thanks to Mr Amrish Sir for invite me in this wonderful webinar (Reclaiming Right to Education (शिक्षा का बुनियादी हक- हमारी दावेदारी)

Coverage by editor of Print media

 Thanks to Editor of Print And Electronic Media for always support us with your wonderful coverage. #CMYogi #BJP4UP #PMModiji #BJP4IND #PMNa...